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Here is the most recent news as of Thursday's end

Hunter Biden Pleaded Guilty. Also, teenage vaping dropped to a 10-year low.
Updated 2024-Sep-29 23:00

Hunter Biden in a blue suit and tie is surrounded by other people in suits.

Hunter Biden in a blue suit and tie is surrounded by other people in suits.

Today in Los Angeles Hunter Biden the son of the president accepted responsibility for nine federal tax charges.
He informed his legal team that he did not want to put his family through more humiliation after his intense gun trial in Delaware nearly three months ago.
This significant change marks the end of a five plus year probe into the time when Biden was funding his unmanageable drug and alcohol addiction through profitable international consulting deals all while neglecting to pay his taxes.
The admission leaves Biden 54 facing a potential outcome that was unimaginable just last year when his lawyers were close to securing a plea deal without prison time.
He could be sentenced to a maximum of 17 years in prison or fined up to $1. 3 million in addition to the potential 25 year sentence for federal gun charges.
President Biden can grant pardons to those convicted of federal offenses. While his son showed up in court today the White House press secretary stated that the president had no intention of pardoning him.
